BCCDC COVID-19 Language Guide - Guidelines for Inclusive language for written and digital content

BCCDC COVID-19 Language Guide - BC Centre for Disease Control 

When we write or speak, the words we choose have the power to respectfully and accurately represent people and ideas that help foster and maintain good relations with others. Words also have the power to perpetuate ignorance and bias. This guide aims to assist with COVID19 messaging and content development by using positive, acknowledging, and inclusive, rather than (potentially) stigmatizing language that may provoke fear. The overall purpose is to ensure all individuals are included and represented in a more equitable manner where individuals are more open and receptive to COVID-19 messaging. Inclusive language is essential in creating safer environments for employees and all community members we engage with. Culturally safe, trauma informed and equitable language, composed of words, terms, and phrases, aims to address all people in a productive and respectful manner. These guidelines incorporate an equity lens, the Government of British Columbia’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, the provincial Commitment on Cultural Safety and Humility in Health Services and the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) Values to inform print and digital content.